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Allied Member Event: Masonry & Tile

June 8, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm HST


June 8, 2023
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm HST
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AIA Honolulu Center for Architecture
828 Fort Street Mall, Suite 100
Honolulu, HI 96813 United States
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Thursday, June 8, 2023
Earn 2 LU/HSW!

Join us for lunch and learn key tips for designing and building with structural masonry and ceramic tile. You'll have the opportunity to earn 2 AIA HSW learning units while exploring practical design strategies and sustainability methods for your next project.


What Non-Engineers Need to Know About Structural Masonry
Structural masonry design concepts impact project budgets, installation sequencing, architectural details, and occupant health and safety. Join us to see how efficient structural masonry designs support project budget goals while enhancing functional and aesthetically pleasing architectural details. Learn how to address architectural subjects like moisture control, thermal transfer, and movement control. Walk away with a range of practical structural masonry design strategies to implement on your upcoming projects.

Ceramic Tile’s Role in Reducing Carbon and Building Green
Ceramic tile is widely known as a sustainable and healthy material, but based on what criteria? Join us as we discuss how the North American ceramic tile industry measures embodied carbon from cradle to grave and reports its impact via industry-wide Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and the product category rules supporting them. This process creates greater transparency than other floor finishes. We’ll also look at how the environmental impact of tile, setting materials, and grout are measured against objective criteria in the Green Squared® sustainability standard, and the new Material Ingredient Guide published by Tile Council of North America (TCNA). Walk away better able to quantify tile’s contribution to reducing the carbon footprint of the built environment, drawing on   resource material from ANSI, UL, AIA, the Carbon Leadership Forum, the Healthy Building Network, and other organizations.


12-1 p.m. | What Non-Engineers Need to Know About Structural Masonry
1-2 p.m. | Ceramic Tile’s Role in Reducing Carbon and Building Green
2-2:10 p.m. | Q&A/Closing Remarks


AIA Honolulu Center for Architecture
828 Fort Street Mall, Suite 100
Honolulu HI 96813


While the seminar is free, registration is required. The deadline for registration is Thursday, June 1, 2023.


Roy J. Ingraffia

Roy J. Ingraffia, Jr., Assoc. AIA, PA AIC, APT RP
IMI National Director of Industry Development

Scott Conwell-2

Scott Conwell, FAIA, FCSI, CDT, LEED AP
IMI Director of Industry Development and Technical Services


For questions or more information, contact Roy Ingraffia at ringraffia@imiweb.org.


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International Masonry Institute

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